
I hope to use this blog as a daily record of Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit's daily interventions in my life. They are quite daily! I don't want to travel backward, but present; not future, just today. May my every entry be clear.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

1/13/24 Up

 I rolled in bed for a while. I may have slept, but now, I'm up, these 3 hours later.

I looked up the teaching for the bible study coming up on Google. Steven likes this one. He can teach.

Looking at all the different kinds of vans we can get. It seems that only the Sportsmobile will pass for a van in our driveway. One on an older Ford Econoline. We know those. Left ours with a needy guy in Maui. Our son longs to have it now. Maybe it will be for sale one day.

Being specific isn't a strong point in the intercession for my kids. It occurs to me that my son needs a place to live. His workplace needs to work out their paperwork so he'll be paid for his work. It was sold and the paperwork is in limbo.

Sooner needs healing. Jesus, grant me faith to heal his little body.

When I think of my little brother and our mom, I think of them together. We celebrate them together in Heaven. Her little boy, herself without an inkling of a bad memory of him, both in glory, is a great thing.

We got a boost a couple of days ago, but there was no notice. It came a week early. Only I didn't know about it. I have these things written down now. I just checked it. 

Yesterday was such a long day for us. I figured out that we can do three things in a day, with rest in between. Otherwise, we are just too pooped out. Tonight, I'm up because I had a half glass of white wine this afternoon. Won't do that again. Paint n Sip is good without it. I was fuzzy through the thing and I'd rather not be.

We've got some terrific artists here. This place is really special, plus being in Cali, with sunshine all the time, there is little loss of Vitamin C. Cheery people are fun.


Up at 9am, with the alarm, yay. Vacuumed my bedroom, until the battery died, after the dust bin filled up once. Lotta dust here. Have a few days to bible study hosting, so will tackle things daily from here on. Need to just make a habit out of that.

Thought of a chore list for Steven last night, as we came in from a long day, then a dog walk. He wasn't thrilled to be busy today. I said we can start again on Monday. He snorted at that? Why, I asked. Because I said it. He likes to keep busy, managing all I used to manage, but it's on his fancy-to-do list only. Excuuuuse, me :) Whatever makes you adjust to your official, new 2024 schedool, dear.

Letting him do things I've always done is a good thing, but makes me lazy. Letting him do a bible study is new for him and he interrupts me to interject things that are my area of expertise. Hmmm, that takes some adjusting, too. Just not on the same page, when your life is filled with learning all things God and his is learning all things airplanes. Still is. I guess he's challenged by our BS peeps to do more. Then men have here; not the women. Sigh for that inequality. Sigh for the men barging in on the women who do.

Almost that time of revelation of the year for us. For getting a stealth type van for actually going places pretty much local. With Gimli, who just likes to be with us. Not really up on trusting others to see that he doesn't run off. Mom let him out the front door, like our old dog, who always came back. But she chased him loudly and freaked him out. He did come back, though :)

Getting used to the idea that I'm only 17 years younger than my godmother, and am looking just like her already :) She'll be mid 80's soon. What a concept.

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