
I hope to use this blog as a daily record of Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit's daily interventions in my life. They are quite daily! I don't want to travel backward, but present; not future, just today. May my every entry be clear.

Friday, January 26, 2024

1/26/24 Slept :)

 Steven is mowing the lawn and getting his next week's to-do ready. It's not raining, so daswhy. 

I got my copy of the Randy Clarke Workbook. This is our way of belonging to the conference in Bethel this week. We'll go through it together, because we can. Not having found like-minded folks here as yet, we stick closely to our Bethel family. They'd like more of a connection, but the reason we are here also keeps us from being worker bees for Bethel here. 

Came back from the chiropractor today. Such a good deal to do it this way. Still, would like a massage now and then. But that requires a listening ear to her stressful life, which doesn't help me relax. Kinda at cross purposes here. That's humanity.

Walked around Nugget, found my ceylon cinnamon caps and also a promotion table for manuka honey skin care, which is just a good thing for me right now. Hits on my problem spots; Steven's too. Happy to use manuka without the sugar load, just through the skin. She's very mixed in race, from NM, knowing that she is also European. 

Also ran into a German traveler trying to pic out calcium. She saw my frame and declared, "You look strong. What do you take?" She was intense. Love my world of humans :) Special present for today :)

We still talk about the RV that is right for us. The longer we vacillate and explore the options, the more they present themselves. Or God presents them. Steven  is leaning hard on the tallest one we can find with a high top that isn't a climber. Yeah, I get it. I like the climber, but I'm not metallic on top. The versatility is great. The fall isn't :) It means we get to sit up there and enjoy the scenery, even use the camera to enjoy it, or even paint :) I think I like painting from a postcard, too. I'm saving pics online to possibly paint. Such beauty :)

Tomorrow is our masked ball. Saviing my feet for the occasion, trying to massage them with a good cream. Maybe the manuka cream will help? I didn't think to replace The Rub when we were there. Ack.

Later... Thinking of things to do this year, that we can actually do... energy efficient stuff and some of it is reimbursable, according to a neighbor who did it.

Other to-do's? 

1. Replace the running board lights on the Subaru.

2. Personalize this house. Hang pics, paintings, etc. It's nice to not have so many personal pics in frames. My wall of peeps is more in focus in their 8x10 prints.

3. Get the door curtain on the master patio door. The comforter there is tacky, but insulates.

4. Get the Breville toaster recommended. Maybe not. It's really big and  heavy, too.

Later... Texting with family. Yikes. I liked being able to take the phone off the hook. I can turn this thing off...

Reality quagmire alert... Mom died without an executor of her will. That means probate. How exactly does that work?

So the merry widow is frustrated. She wants the offspring to solve her dilemma, but none of us can do that for her. Legally, mom's estate goes to probate. Don't know how these things work when one doesn't prepare for the end properly. Steven's dad had an estate with no will. It took Amy 2 years to run probate, traveling from back east to the west coast. Wasn't friendly, but I'm sure her ex hubby lawyer helped. 

What else can I say? It's not much, but enough for her to sail forward for a year, I think. I suggested she just eat it, instead of getting mad at the family that mom didn't trust. The other thing was that we all cared for mom at our own expense for the most part, since she retired at the turn of the century. This gal didn't. In fact, she awaited a windfall that didn't happen. Now she awaits other windfalls that aren't happening because of court delays. Not fun. Meanwhile she lives rent-free in kind of an ideal situation, but anything can happen. 

Love you, my brother. See you later.

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