
I hope to use this blog as a daily record of Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit's daily interventions in my life. They are quite daily! I don't want to travel backward, but present; not future, just today. May my every entry be clear.

Friday, September 3, 2010

You Can't Love and Judge at the Same Time

So you must choose quite often in a single day that you are either going to love or judge. If you don't choose to love in advance, you will judge. Love with your spirit that is connected to Heaven. Don't judge with your mind that is stuck in the flesh.

Did you know that your mind is constantly at war with your spirit? The redeemed part of you lives in glory on Earth. Your spirit was awakened at your salvation. It lay dormant until that day. Papa breathed life into it and Papa entered in. But your flesh that used to rule you wants to be the boss. It sneaks out and usurps the right you want to do. It's nasty and selfish. It judges and curses people. Yuck. See it coming? Then center down. Close your eyes and say, "Papa, Jesus, Sarayu." Just keep saying it. Think about the Three Beautiful Ones every second you get. They come and you are in so much love with Them that you can't imagine ever wanting to judge. How nasty that is!
Guard your mind. Meditate on the Word. It is full of life. I feel like I'm getting a blood transfusion when I read it. The more I let it in, the more I'm transformed. Speak in tongues too. These are tools for life.


  1. Judging is the flesh rising up to quickly assess a person or situation. Many will join you. Your flesh loves this activity. Judging looks for easy targets.

    Loving is your spirit rising up to ask Papa how to serve a person, a call to help pray, to offer support. Your spirit knows to wash one another's feet. We do this alone most of the time. It places you next in line to be judged. It makes you vulnerable because it's 'unnatural' to people to love correctly.

    Basically the opposite of judging is serving. I judge only myself, to make sure how I'm living, what I'm doing and saying doesn't damage me, but rather edifies me. If I'm emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually 100% as far as it is up to me, I'm making good choices, etc., then I'll be up to serving my brother. I'm connected to Heaven, to Papa, Jesus and Sarayu, and only want what They want for others. This is the right state of being. That place by the Well of His Presence ever near, and the place from where I can minister to others.

  2. Today, people in my life need me to join them in service to a family in a dire pickle :) They called, knowing I'll be there, and I am. What a joy it is to serve. How happy this makes Papa today!

    There's a bonus that comes with serving. Others see it and know it can be done. It's a good seed to the brain, a refreshing alternative to judging, setting a good example for others to follow when their opportunity to judge or serve comes up.

  3. There was a post this week on FB about the tendency to play over and over again an offense received by another. The remedy given was really dumb. I appreciate good tools. I don't remember the faulty remedy, but I know the real one.

    When someone comes to mind, their past offense remembered, and you have just begun to waste your time on the reliving of it, then you are a confirmed intercessor. The only reason Papa would let something that is forgiven and forgotten be on your mind is for the purpose of intercessory prayer on their behalf. Who knows better how messed up and needful prayers are for them than you, who also happen to know where the bodies are buried, so to speak?

    I get the urge to pray sometimes through the night for people I haven't seen in many years. I know they've taken a course that is secretive and insecure for anyone not quite in fellowship with encouraging brethren, and they'd rather not that anyone know they are ever in trouble.

    But I've been there, sharing space, and have witnessed the insecurity and isolation that hell loves to convince us we are in not by our own choice. So I don't fret it, I know to pray. I creatively pray for a good end to whatever they face. It's a good job. When the prayer is finished, I am done, until the next intercession calls.

    Intercessors know the deal. We know not to replay the past. It is forgiven and done. There is much more to us than we act out. I believe Papa's word is true. He will adjust lives, preferably according to our prayers. That's a pretty neat place to be.

    If it continues to press upon your heart, then maybe you are spent and need filling up. Center down :)

  4. I was impressed greatly to pray for several people at once this week. They are from many years ago. We are aware of one another's existence, but our paths are much different. It costed me a night's sleep. I prayed creatively for them and saw a good future appear before me for them. I got to help release it. The prayer was finally over and I rested.

    For my husband and I, intercessory prayer has been with us since somewhere near the beginning of our Christian lives, 30 years or so. We don't keep track of each involvement with Papa and people He targets for a great blessing, but we're learning the terminologies for this wonderful gift these last 3 years. I'm glad Papa has an army of prayer warriors. I like to imagine all of us working His plan, but my brain just isn't big enough to process it :)
