
I hope to use this blog as a daily record of Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit's daily interventions in my life. They are quite daily! I don't want to travel backward, but present; not future, just today. May my every entry be clear.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dreaming after Christmas


In the in-between time, I've been connecting family dots. I do genealogy, continuing ongoing research; a project 80 years long to date.

When typing in my database birth and death dates, I can rush past long lives in a few seconds. They fit in a cubicle. I copy and paste excerpts from biographies, census dates and those special ones who made the obscure count for something. We know being famous is overrated. We're all in that famous category in Heaven. Papa made each one of us significant and alive with purpose. But on earth, it takes a famous person to make the rest count.

In the US, we are all related to a few immigrants sharing a taste for freedom. Genealogy is the number one hobby in the world now. I wonder why. For me, it's fun to take my family and see how we all connect. Each family is unique in bloodlines. We have DNA testing for the very curious. It sure quiets disputes and rumors.

In 2010, DNA answered many questions in my Graves line. Elvis is my cousin. For me, it makes me want to take a closer look at him as a person. He also serves as another lead, a stepping stone in a huge pond, down the ancestry line. And he looks a lot like my daughter :)

Agnes Sanford is also my cousin. I first recognized her by the familiarity of her writings. I wanted to get a good look at her and quickly found a web pic. Wow. She looks just like me. I traced her line no further than her mother and found the Graves name. I'm getting good at recognizing facial structures. A Graves reunion of 300 relatives showed me stark, expressive commonalities over the years. Agnes is so fun to be related to. She began the inner healing movement in the 60s. I've been involved heavily in it from 2000 to present. Everything we do in Christendom is based in her work, from Cleansing Stream to Elijah House to Bethel's ministry in Redding, to Vineyard Christian Fellowships, and on it goes globally. Agnes was healed one day and was never the same.

Whatever draws our interest, Papa takes us deep into good things. Wisdom is gained and we see our uniqueness and Papa's orchestration in granting life, an incomprehensible story.

For this work, I've laid aside the book I so want to finish writing. I'm drawn to the revelation of secrets and Papa's inner workings. I know I need to take a break from the genealogy and hunker down, Papa style, and write with Him the ending of MT2. There is nothing more refreshing than writing this way.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


There are all kinds of good definitions of the word "obedient." Mostly, one thinks of keeping traffic laws, or the child's role of obedience to parents.

But as believers in a good Papa with a mindset toward an awesome future for us, obedience choices come up in a variety of hard situations. I.e., you know what you should do, how you should be, how you should act, but the heart is breaking too. Sometimes others are not obedient, despising you, and that makes you vulnerable to a miserable reaction.

Obedience applied is turning the other cheek AND sincerely blessing the ones who despise you. Obedience is telling your flesh to be joyful in trouble and calling up and out of your spirit Papa's love, declaring good things for all who come near. Blessings uttered at such times are powerful ones; heartfelt and full of Papa's power from within, for they are uttered from a pure, yet broken heart. Its words are deep and mysteries are revealed, and glory is poured down on even the sayer. Heaven's joy permeates every pore as higher things then fill the mind, and we are healed.

I've seen pure-hearted obedience acted out between two pastors. One in terrible sin, hates the other. The other blessing his tormentor in return, 40 years now. A thorn in the flesh, the tormented pastor utters wonderful blessings on him in tears. I wonder if his global influence has more to do with his good testimony with this prickly pastor than it does with his actual ministry. Because of him, I know how to obey amidst torment. Of course, the blessing lavished on me from Papa in return is the best :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Papa has been showing me all kinds of human interactions, exchanges, engagements. I get these visuals I want to be responsible with getting these social visuals out there.

Today, it was a social visual, comparing the first vision with this third one. In the first, it was people rolling around in their busy lives, bumping hamster balls, clunking off and ricochetting in another direction. The point was that their lives never interchanged.

Today's vision was of the same people, without the hamster balls, smacking into one another, getting bumped and bruised on occasion. Their skin overlapped, or else slightly permeated each other. That represented the investment of time we put into people. The bumps and bruises are the emotional depletion we feel when helping out someone in need. Especially if they are drained themselves on their own journey toward Papa. They've been taught wrong, or else hell has whispered lies about the good life Papa wants for us to have here on earth, that the good life is not specifically for them and they have been set aside for torture.

This last week has been spent with such a one. No wonder the Gospel is called the Good News :) One verse was enough to get him thinking: My yoke is easy; My burden, light." Papa is good all the time. Hell has told him a life of suffering is all he deserves. Good grief, hell, leave my brother alone, in Jesus' good name!

I'll take the bumps and bruises. Holy Spirit was there to help me relay to my brother what he needed badly to hear. The truth saves. My bumps and bruises come in the form of a headache. Here You go, Papa. Here's my headache. Thanks for the opportunity :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas 2010

What a great time to be in the 40 Days of Encounter! This is the season the whole world focuses on the holiday we all very well know is Jesus' birthday. I want to bring You, Jesus, along for the ride we know as Christmas rush. I don't want to stray because of the glitter, but crown You with it. Being preoccupied with Christmas is easy when the world is with me. Christmas is a glimpse into eternity where everyone celebrates the day sans presupposition. There is surely decorating and fun to be had on Jesus' birthday in Heaven. I love my Brother :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

How He Loves Me - the song

I awoke this morning with this song in my mind. It is still with me. There is nothing like it today. I first heard it sung by daughter Amber, as she lay on the recliner, home from Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, CA. The woman who wrote and sang that song is on the worship team there.

Women, Rise Up!

Kris Vallotton boldly declared Papa's most wonderful gift to this planet: Women. From the beginning it was so. Even how we were fashioned from the beginning is so awesome. I love it :)

So I have been digesting Kris Vallotton's words, Papa's Word about us, and I find that I have been waiting for permission to be who I am called to be -- by men! Ha.

We women would really like our men to come along on this awesome ride. Women are social beings and love the variety of our male company. We hate leaving our men in the spiritual dust; first our husbands, then the rest of their gender.

And if they don't come along? We just have to go it alone! It's okay to just go. Papa doesn't wait for our men when He takes us up on Heavenly cloud rides. It's okay. You have permission, women. Don't resent their disinterest. When you return with glory on your countenances, they'll peek into the clouds, just out of curiosity. I don't know why their interest stops there. Maybe it's because they have to make a living and think that's all they have time for. But we as women know Heaven merges with Earth, enriching, satisfying, and completing life.

Papa made Adam male and female out of dirt, like He did the animals. But He broke Adam in half and took the female half away to fashion into woman. Where this happened, we don't know. But He returned with Eve. Adam recognized her as having been part of him! He thought she was amazing! She is born to travel upward with Papa, wanting Him more and more.

This intense love for Papa is why Eve was deceived in the Garden of Eden. She didn't want to be Papa. On the contrary, she wanted to be nearer to Him by knowing Him better. The serpent told her she could do this by eating the forbidden fruit. When she brought the fruit to Adam, all excited for what the serpent said; for the fruit's potential to be closer to Papa, Adam knew that was a lie. Men were created to have this awesome relationship with Papa. Adam was already as high as he cold get with Papa. When Papa confronted Adam, Adam lied to Him, face to face, about what caused the change in the Garden, blaming Eve. "The woman YOU gave me, Papa, SHE did this." Adam blames Papa for his own sin.

But Papa loves Eve and knows she is special. He recognizes that His specially fashioned Eve was deceived. He saw that she was heartbroken and humiliated. Papa saw that all she wanted was more of Him. The serpent has done a terrible thing in his deceiving her. Adam is now subject to hard labor, well-deserved. He wants to be like Papa, well, let's show him he can never be like Papa. Eve is saved in childbirth. Papa knows she will eventually carry Him, as Jesus, inside her. Their relationship is preserved. Her wisdom is preserved. She was fashioned in Heaven's workshop.

All the unequal lopsidedness in man/woman relationship reveals itself in man's oppression of woman, coming from the man she can't help but love.

Is this a jealousy thing? "Her desire will be for her husband, and he will rule over her." All things being restored by Jesus' bloody death, our men can be restored as co-rulers with women. But men can't seem to get over the fact that they are physically stronger than women. Men can't be whole without women, yet men won't share equally with them, treating them as Jesus did, willing to die for them.

The church is female. Man was created both male and female. Man broke in half and is only half a man without his woman. He cannot see into Heaven without a woman's eyes. He must ride on her Heavenly spirit to see all that Papa is involved in from eternity to eternity.

I write all this from visions. I know it is true because verses permeate my mind as the visions unfold. I am so happy to be a woman :)

Dreaming in December 2010

I've had many dreams of late. It's still early today. Maybe I'll remember last night's now.

Ah, yes. I saw as I prayed for son Adam a lot of bright tools of wisdom dropping on him from above. He was carried up off the ground as they permeated him. They looked like little parts of mini Play Mobil toys. Little black squares with 3 silver stripes on them, others in differing colors also fell on him. He shook a little, his eyes closed and mouth opened. All this while I verbalized silently that wisdom would pour down on him and overwhelm his person. Adam has been on my heart. I ache for him to draw near to You, Papa. He's missing out, and this is unacceptable!