
I hope to use this blog as a daily record of Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit's daily interventions in my life. They are quite daily! I don't want to travel backward, but present; not future, just today. May my every entry be clear.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Living the Life

I get so wrapped up in the awe of having my Papa by my side that I forget the everyday ministry that is my life. The best part is the everyday where Papa brings encounters. Jesus and Sarayu always with Him, remind me that encounters are the grand toppings, the ministries that bless all involved; the Good News of the gospel displayed. I'm living the life we are all called to live. Imagine if the world were filled with everyday people who know how to be :)

With that introduction, I'll try to remember to post my everydays.

1 comment:

  1. Amber and I were entertaining a cousin we barely know. She is the eldest of my paternal cousins now, and we know of one another, with only a couple of dinners together in our adult lives around family gatherings. On this occasion, she came to Maui. We met up with her friends from San Diego, CA at a restaurant by the sea that played live jazz music in a very romantic setting. Her friends happen to be an ex priest and his wife, an ex nun, now getting on in age. We'll call them Ben and Betty for now (I can't remember their names).

    The music was playing (I love to watch musicians play), and suddenly, Ben smiled real big from across our table and asked if I would pray for him right now. And did I do that sort of thing? I suddenly noticed that he was in quite a lot of pain.

    I got up quickly and went to Ben's side. I asked Amber to join me and we squatted down on either side of Ben. I prayed loud enough for him to hear and went into my prayer language automatically. He nodded that it was done and thanked us both, and we sat back down. The pain had lifted. Ben said he knew I was "like that." One who prayed on request or when the need exposed itself. It is the testimony Papa reveals Himself in. I think He moved that night for my cousin.

    We haven't seen Ben or Betty since, but I am still experiencing the joy of that night. Imagine the joy of Heaven in Heaven!
