
I hope to use this blog as a daily record of Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit's daily interventions in my life. They are quite daily! I don't want to travel backward, but present; not future, just today. May my every entry be clear.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Maria Clara

A prayer chain is formed for Maria Clara. It goes to Colombia, SA to different continents, so that she is covered. I feel especially close to her right now. Last night, I saw her mother's face in glory before my eyes, even as I brushed my teeth. My prayers are with her. Whenever I think of her, I pray. It is her time to heal :)

The cousins are all praying.

I love You, Papa. Come help.


  1. Steven and I prayed from 8pm to 11pm tonight. We each had visions as we prayed. I'll share mine here.

    1) I heard Jewish music during the first hour of prayer. 2) Eventually, we turned on "Relentless" by Misty Edwards. During the music in which I sing Maria Clara's name into the lyrics, I had a few visions.

    *Colombia's revolution ending with Maria Clara's powerful new ministry that begins sometime after her healing. Exciting :) The warring parties put down their weapons because of the miracles they are seeing. God's country!

    * I saw golden bubbles popping over Maria Clara. Each time they touched her, that place healed over.

    * I saw her being lifted up while laying down, at her center. Golden rays touched her head to toe.

    * Steven walked with Jesus, His glory lighting the path to Maria Clara's front door. They entered in together.

    * Steven also saw the clean house and prayed that now that it was swept, that joy would fill it completely.

    The time passed very quickly. I noticed the time at 10:20pm. It was good to have company in prayer.

    I feel that it is done for now. I saw Maria Clara and I dancing in joy together. The last part of the time was spent in rejoicing for prayers answered.

  2. Maria Clara is surprising the family. She continues to grow strong. My faith in Papa about her is good. I stand in the gap for the ones who have seen her drastic changes over the last year. Even so, when we knew what was up, we began to pray, and Maria Clara is getting better and better. I love slow miracle grow. It gives us a chance to see Papa in slow motion :)

  3. Maria Clara dances with Jesus and her mom now. Kisses and hugs, love!
