
I hope to use this blog as a daily record of Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit's daily interventions in my life. They are quite daily! I don't want to travel backward, but present; not future, just today. May my every entry be clear.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Physical Therapy and me

On July 12, 2010, I began another physical therapy regime. I'll be going twice a week for a month. I've been twice to therapy and I am happy beyond words about what is happening to my body -- finally.

With a wide range of accidents since age 4, who knew about having physical therapy to get all the physical ducks in a row? Mostly my spine. I don't even know this new guy's name, but he's new to the islands. And he was not happy about the absence of physical therapy after all my accidents, and/or the really, really WRONG and MISTAKEN trainers and physical therapists of my past. I feel like Job, finally allowed to heal after all these years of physical trouble. The right person came along and is setting me straight. Thank you, Papa.

My PT's main focus is the spine. If that is lined up right, my organs, muscles, tendons and vascular system will be happy. It's not only knowing what's wrong, but how to fix it. For the first time ever, I know how to align my own spine. It is very basic and so simple that I am baffled that the trained helpers of my past had no clue about this. I'm very happy that Papa has given me this PT.

I have been prayed over a lot. I have done the training routines. The prayers were good. But where I needed to contribute to continued healing was so lacking. I knew something was wrong. I was given so much dumb advice (I tried every one too), but I just needed someone who was trained properly in this field to pass on what he knew. I'm healing now.

I see a parallel lesson in my life with spiritual training. I started well, ended up following my sister into a church where it would be grilled into me how powerful Papa's bible story is, but Holy Spirit was left out of everything I learned. He spoke to me the day I became His daughter. Papa speaking is ignored still today in this church. I left a few years later, thankful for the Word, and into Papa's mission field on earth. I can't help wonder if I had had the proper training (the right training was available but a mile from my church), what kind of believer I would be today. I struggle with wrong training, wrong evangelism training, people interaction training, all things I wish I could forget. I had no secret place to go, but now I do. I know what to do now because I have been retrained. Apparently, the Kingdom of God is bigger than I was previously taught :) Such power, mighty glorious power, fiery healing even from my hands, tongues of glory communing with Holy Spirit, praying with Him, fellowshipping in Papa's arms and at my dining table every day. All people precious to me, no matter how they fall. They are dear to Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit. My love for them is unconditional because of Papa. I don't have to try to love. I do because I am with Them.

Proper training is a beautiful thing :)


  1. One more physical therapy session and I am done. I am stronger after 3 weeks plus 1 day. I have muscles I didn't realize were there in my upper back. I've had strength training, even on an exercise bike that didn't throw my knees out because my knees have been strengthened too. There was never a need for knee surgery, exploratory or correction. I needed to do the right exercises to strengthen them This truly has been a year for great things. Before now, I was told by eye doctors that I had cataracts. Not so. New doctor, new diagnosis. He happens to have the same thing I do: Soapy eyes. A warm wash cloth loosens up thick tears behind the retina or pupil and, voila, the clouds are lifted. He recommended eye drops to dilute thick tears. Ah.

    My feet aren't totally broken either. The right exercises have restored them to near normal. More are needed, but I have restored flexibility and strength now.

    One exercise in particular strengthens all muscles simultaneously -- wall crawling. Who'd a thunk it? Between now and next Thursday, I'm to up my game and see how many I can do, pushing myself just a little further each day. The stretch feels good and I'm tired out. My heart goes nuts with my arms up, as it does when doing the breast stroke. PT guy wasn't worried about that. I just need to push through. And I have been fine. At first, I really gasped for air. Now at home, I don't hear my heart complain at all. Only with the exercise does it run amok, and then it settles down quickly. Fearless trainer. His name is Lee Poston, by the way.

  2. My PT guy, Lee, is on his toes with all the work we've done together. He wants to cut me loose after my next appointment, if I will prove to continue in the exercise routine he's created for me. He says I will continue to strengthen and heal if I will take responsibility for my physical stamina. But isn't that just like life?

    Spiritual stamina makes me smile, just at the phrase. We stay continually on the alert for what Papa is doing, who He is working through, where His presence is resting. Stay near these places and spiritual stamina stays strong.
