
I hope to use this blog as a daily record of Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit's daily interventions in my life. They are quite daily! I don't want to travel backward, but present; not future, just today. May my every entry be clear.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

1/18/24 Slept :)

 Had a cheap date at the Greek place. Tues and Thurs are 2 gyros for 1. Cheapest meal we've had in forever :)

Heard from my brother's widow, who is going forward her way, contacting me her way, etc. Just a time for me to listen. No problem if I remember that fact.

SS court date set for on Magda's bday. Ola's court date set for the end of the month. May we all be justified :)

I tend to process with Ola, but she tends to half listen. Easy to notice, at least I process sometime. Usually here.

French is so slow for me, but I do learn. MCT Wellness restarted this morning, after listening to Dr. Gundry go on about it. Forgot I had it here. Weaning onto it and will work up to 1 scoop from 1 tsp. So glad it's not coconut based.

Steven's newest bass learning book came today, yay. My new long sleeved tops will be here soon as well. Funny that he smirks when a package is at the door. "Most likely yours, since I didn't order anything," which is always wrong. My tops will come and I'm increasing my wardrobe with my new weight. Haven't been this small in decades. I still love my loose clothing.

Washing throw rugs for tonight. Gimli bugs me for attention while Steven manages the floors.

Hebrew letters being learned as they say to learn them; writing them out a hundred times. I'm past that now, but I appreciate writing things out. Flash cards work that way for me. It's not so much the oral repetition as it is the writing things out slowly.

Our situation is changing by next week sometime. Talked about putting off the RV, but Steven really wants to move that forward. What about hoteling it in Redding? Now, the rates are low. They go up with conferences happening. We do the conferences at half speed for full price to be with Gimli. Still have to know where to camp. While we can, we can actually hotel it.

Almost time for our BS to begin. 

It's hard not to  be excited about receiving, but I tend to avoid that. I  don't receive well. I inadvertently practiced receiving at the dentist office yesterday. Would you like aromatherapy? Yes, thank you. What scent? People love lavender. Ew, not me. Peppermint will be nice, thank you.

Weird to receive, but that's eternity, full of receiving and giving. Thanks, Papa. 

Up past the alarm that didn't sound today, I had thoughts of our son living with an old teacher's widow. It might work out. Seems like it should, but that's what I thought when he came last. He wouldn't work nor would he leave. His girlfriend was the same in attitude. I don't want this 80 year old gal to have to deal with him. He's still not shown me that he can be trusted to keep working after moving in. She knows him, too.


Had a good  study. A linear one, but people like that here. Good for Steven to do something new. Good for me to need to let him. The vine and the branches.

Need to sign off for the night.

Thank You, Jesus. It's all about You.

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