
I hope to use this blog as a daily record of Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit's daily interventions in my life. They are quite daily! I don't want to travel backward, but present; not future, just today. May my every entry be clear.

Friday, January 5, 2024

1/5/24 Up

 Oh well, I tried to sleep. Long day yesterday, plus I ate badly at dinner and didn't have enough protein yesterday. 

It bugs me that one of our couples insists on controlling the study by deciding for us that we should study one thing through the year. Sigh. Bossy at work, bossy in retirement. Ack.

That said, today is Friday. Probably will try to dance tonight, after having gone to the chiropractor.

Steven expressed that he has a gift for resolving conflicts that began at work. He told stories tonight as we went through tonight's chapter in B. Johnson's book. 

Praying for Diane to be released from the lockup ward and be taken off the meds that are making her brain not cooperate. Nice gal, just stressed with her sick hubby.

Gimli didn't seem to mind our being gone so long yesterday. But he was glad we came home and licked us a lot the rest of the day. Then we had our study... 

How am I doing? Learning a lot about retired people who continue to work in their minds while they should be enjoying the recreation it brings. 

I'm excited to see what our new lives will be like come the end of these months. Looking forward to company from LA and all that jazz. 

Looking forward to getting a stealth RV for the driveway and hoping we'll remember to turn off the propane for that slant on the driveway.

Grateful that the fire wasn't serious enough to cause the neighboring houses damage. It was serious enough to send the couple to temporary housing while the inside insulation in the roof is completely changed and the garage is rebuilt. Yikes.

And tomorrow has to be back to routine :)

Steven's liver results came in tonight. He'll have more tests done. He's borderline liver density on the hard side and they found polyps. I've got him on Tudca in the mornings, just to thin his bile. All things come from having thick bile. I'm on Tudca 2x a day. Should have been on that all my adult life. Better late than sorry. 

I feel weird at night sometimes. Like I'm suddenly fading out. Don't know what to say about that. It's a new thing.

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