
I hope to use this blog as a daily record of Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit's daily interventions in my life. They are quite daily! I don't want to travel backward, but present; not future, just today. May my every entry be clear.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

1/27/24 Slept

 Tonight is the masked ball :) Steven's napping and we're fed until 6pm, when we will eat whatever. It'll be fun.

Talked with bro's widow a long time today. Glad we connected. She had a hard week and had to face some hard truths. I also filled her in on more family drama that I just learned. Now she knows why I was so frank with my words the morning after family news. She says she wishes the family were more honest about what they will help her with, instead of offering , then reneging, while blaming her for asking? Bad memory plus dementia in the family. The eldest siblings are most prone since we are just a few years younger than mom. The eldest is there now. How do we know? Math. Mom  started forgetting to turn off Middle bro's stove in  about 2002. She died last year. That's 21 years ago. The eldest is 22 years younger than mom. Then there's that last phone call. Ut oh...

Widow lady keeps eldest bro company. He's okay, just two years behind the eldest. Since he's not full of himself, he'll be okay, but he monopolizes conversations for 3 hours or more. 

Meanwhile, Widow lady may or may not end  up with landlord man. He loves  her. Sigh. Too  soon, too soon.

God knows the end from the beginning. I'm just watching Him work some of it out. What a privilege :)

I look forward to getting started with Randy Clark's book/workbook with Steven. We both want to be better prepared for come what may. We had another one of those encounter days yesterday. Time to get knowledgeable about that stuff :)

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