
I hope to use this blog as a daily record of Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit's daily interventions in my life. They are quite daily! I don't want to travel backward, but present; not future, just today. May my every entry be clear.

Monday, December 11, 2023

12/11/23 early up

 Up at 6:30am again. 

Glad to be journaling again. One of those things that a Bethel pastor said that God wanted him to pick up doing again this last Sunday morning. Okay, I'll take that as a good thing. I started doing this last November when I had to turn the screens off at 9pm. It was a good thing for me, too. Most of the time, Steven is preoccupied with something and he tunes out. My many thoughts needs an outlet and I also hear from God as my brain focuses on just this one thing :)

One thing I do is ask Steven what he'd like to do this week. For him, well, he's going to call on his contacts about the project. Okay, then what? What do you want for Christmas?

That's a checklist to go through for me:

For Steven:

A TLV translation 

A small vacuum for little stuff

A blue ray of Arachnophobia

Hoodie from Bethel

2 small massagers to share

Nativity mug from Bethel


clothing from The Chosen or another Christian store

I looked into Messianic Jewish churches. There's one in Sac that needs an interview from us, from me. They want to make sure that they are dealing with people who grew up Jewish and got saved. They don't want their church flooded with Christians who grew up Christians. Not much room for that. Bethel has that the rest of us :) Well, not just Bethel :)

Steven didn't seem much interested in the new Bible because he likes to just stick to his incomplete copy of our Simmons bibles. Fair enough. But why not immerse in Israel this way? We'll all end up there one day. May as well understand and fill in the gaps of ignorance we carry as having grown up with folks who are from everywhere else? For me, it's just 3 generations ago. For Steven? Can't say. He has doctors in his family from way way back. Could be :)

Time to take my morning pills and be ready to eat when I'm up again.

I'm trying to adjust my perspective on the friends we find here. Sometimes you just rub people wrong. What if they didn't totally despise me and were just very short or very honest. I guess with Pam, she reminds me of Steven's mom, who barely looked at me, until it was time to say goodbye. This gal is like this with me, but not with Steven or anyone else. She looked at the camera because Bill told her to, so I got a pic. So I'll rather see the time we spent last Saturday as they rather look up to me, instead. Because when I was younger and then ran into folks who ignored me, they said they were intimidated by me. They thought I was above them, which was shocking to me. Either they like me right away, probably because we grouped together in some club, or else we were just classmates. Some said I seemed very involved with people I had befriended and didn't have room. Hmmm... That's kind of the way I see folks sometimes, too. 

Well, it's time to end this. Steven will be up to walk the doggy soon. Wish I could do that. He makes friends early in the morning when a lot of people naturally awaken. 

I am grateful for this place. People are just so friendly in Cali. Sunshine makes a difference. It's worth it.

Have to watch the finances until the next thing comes in. Will be glad when all is settled.

Have learned a lot in this process. Neighbors helped with their great suggestions. Old enough to not forget the process :)

Thinking about mom. Dumped regrets. It's time to move forward. Said Bill last Sunday.

Praying for everything I can think of. My parents did that in their old age. Ah, another blog to begin and continue?

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