
I hope to use this blog as a daily record of Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit's daily interventions in my life. They are quite daily! I don't want to travel backward, but present; not future, just today. May my every entry be clear.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Xmas service 12/24/23

 Such a good time this morning, remembering and celebrating and meditating on God's lovely plan for salvation since the beginning of time.

Thank You, Jesus! Happy Birthday to You!!!


Talked to Adam and Laura today. Sent Christmas bucks/ack money, since his company's change to the new owner means no pay for a while. Steven suggested we sent more than usual and send daughter less... so I did. Wish he'd acknowledge receipt, but he doesn't these days. Laura is doing better. A bit concerned about their big weight gain this year. It reflects their physical well-being these days. But we were also able to give them counsel on Laura's mom's legal stuff. Laura will execute the estate, but Cali needs paperwork. Get it done now. Updated him on dad and all that. Without telling him what we had, we managed to mention making it legal in Cali for the kids. I think Adam doesn't know for sure about us, but I think that was settled today, in our hints. He asked where we live now. I said near the place where we used to camp. It's cold now. No snow here. Accidentally slipped the name of the town we're in. They might get that mixed up with the other name near here. Who knows. Didn't tell him that his sister will settle the estate, but I'm hoping he understands that she can and can unravel any confusion easily. 

Then Zoomed with the new grand-niece, but my computer failed that. Steven was able to get a pic. Seems like my computers are always on the cheap side. Won't be getting this one to replace it. Probably will stick with my desk top from here on. This is only good for basics and fails at important things like when they do a security upgrade and delete everything. No fun. Didn't see my new grand-niece. Sad. Steven's so out of it that he doesn't seem to care whenever this computer fails. He ignores me. Still is.

Meanwhile, Ola called from the store. Visiting her mom for the holidays and her mom blew a cork because she was annoying her, as the main cook. Ola thinks she shouldn't mind that she's cracking jokes while she's trying to follow a recipe. I told her to stop doing that. It's not actually funny in any way.

Now, we're going to watch Spiderman on Netflix with daughter. 

What else? Leftover turkey from the freezer.

I lost weight again for a new record low, yay. During the holidays.

Steven has his liver ultrasound in a couple of days.

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