
I hope to use this blog as a daily record of Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit's daily interventions in my life. They are quite daily! I don't want to travel backward, but present; not future, just today. May my every entry be clear.

Friday, December 29, 2023

12/29/23 Slept :)

 Quiet day today; sent a funny dance movie to Lisa, who loved it. Showed her my dance movie collection. She disapproved of one that I showed her. Didn't show her Mama Mia because she doesn't approve. WhatEver. One she disapproved of was La La Land. She says it was overrated. So not so, if you understand music, which she doesn't have a background for. Our movie differences are a lot. I don't like any British snob movies, which she dies for, however family they are rated, ugh. My kids didn't like Veggie Tales. Too noisy. My kids don't like Disneyland, so... Different strokes, for sure. Her house was crackin with music lessons and really high pitched noises for my poor ears. My kids' too. It was a matter of physical tolerance; not anything else. We didn't disapprove...

Steven naps before the dance. I should too. 

Listened to youtube through the day and have lots to absorb about this new life. Read the books, this is a good refresher and hole filler :)

AS long as we plan our days, we will be okay. It's a weird thing to need to plan things ourselves now. But we live in a place that makes it so possible, I'm grateful to be here :)

I love this kind of lifestyle. It's got potential anytime I want to be active in it. So many are so active. Otherwise, we are not volunteering because of our health and need to just jump in the car at anytime and head downtown to the hospital.

The pool and dancing available just the right amount of time; we go to a New Years party, our first ever, and we managed to find money for it, which we decided is a good emergency fun for such things like this :) There will be two bands and wandering buffet representing at least 4 countries. One entire room is for just desserts. This is what we can do. No travel, no. But this is near the house.

When I think of our situation compared to that of our kids, it's just reaping and sowing. I'd rather be on this end of it. It was really hard, but reaping happens when it's really hard to work for so long. I'm glad my kids enjoy being able to live without having worked much in the world. Not traditionally. I'm glad the country will see to their needs anyway. It's just that way :)


Up from my nap. Deep sleep :) Ready for dancing. But will we be overdoing it for New Years' Eve?

At least I napped. Haven't done that in a while.

Mulling over what faith really is. Good book. Glad to have access to the best :)

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