
I hope to use this blog as a daily record of Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit's daily interventions in my life. They are quite daily! I don't want to travel backward, but present; not future, just today. May my every entry be clear.

Thursday, December 7, 2023


 Good morning, Papa. Today will be a day of rest with little to do. Ola needs to do her medical paperwork and canceled on working on her other stuff with me. We are planning on rising quite early on Saturday to partake in a brunch with our Christian group peoples.

On my mind is a lot of unfinished business, like finding a church with like-minded people. We have enough of the others around us. Would be nice to locate Bethel folks in this area.

Our jackets order was canceled due to stock issues. Rats. We need Jesus clothes to find folks.

Another issue that is coming up frequently is getting these texts from websites that only contact by text. Don't do that.

I miss my family, but I appreciate peace as well. They aren't ones to come visit and leave. They'd rather have a piece of this, and they don't know the half of it. Surprises are nice.

One sister is estranged now, by her choice. She's been in the process for years, apparently, and when she hit the eject button, that was it. Spiritual problems. Choice problems. Faith problem.

The other is across the country from me. Should be totally on the same page, but her hubby left that part before he died, and she's a hover parent that I am not. Faith, baby. Just faith. God's got this. Someone reminded me of this truth this week.

Steven's puttering in the garage, loading my old fat clothes into the car. I had no idea how many clothes I've accumulated over the years since moving back to the mainland. Sheesh. Some are just worn out. Nice to make room in the house.

things to do in 2024:

Organize, weed through, have company be comfortable, be thankful, be balanced, exercise more, have all of our paperwork done for the last time. Imagine that :) Nine years in the renewing of paperwork annually with months of paperwork preceding. 

Be more involved in Bethel, if that is our only option locally. I'm grateful to be within 3 hours of my favorite place.

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