
I hope to use this blog as a daily record of Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit's daily interventions in my life. They are quite daily! I don't want to travel backward, but present; not future, just today. May my every entry be clear.

Friday, December 15, 2023

12/15/23 up

 After doing Christmas cards until nearly 12am, I'm up now at 1:30am. Just time to start the routine again...

I thought it was Friday night and we missed dance with everything else afoot. Nope. It was Thursday all day, in fact :)

Got stuff done yesterday:

Christmas cards filled out, but not sent with the note on the mailbox that we were all getting a new central mailbox, so pick up our new keys downtown tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience NOT. 

Managing our stress. Ourselves. Our sudden surprises. It's a thing. I have CS.

How am I doing? Maybe the new vitamin with 1% COQ10 is too much for me.

Have to text susi tomorrow for her WA address for the card.

Sent cards to folks out of touch with us, just because. When we get old, we have to reach out so we all don't get isolated.

So happy to know we have to build our retirement life from scratch. Some things we have done. Others have to start again from scratch because they are too involved in their jobs and those friends to think about the changes that inevitably come. Lots in common with folks out there. Need to know that some things just are the way they are.

Later... My new alarm woke me up gently, with a slowly louder alarm. I like it.

But I was awake most of the night. New vitamin with just a little COQ10. Maybe a half of one of those? I only took a half dose yesterday. Will try that tonight. I'm determined to see what I can do, since this vitamin is included in every pill except for one that I ran across and used up. Bottle is gone. If I can do the 1/4 dose, then I will also use up the previous unused bottle with a 1/4 dose.

Steven is walking the dog. I just texted Susi for her address. Somehow, we don't have it in the house. Need a new address book to refresh myself.

Will dance tonight anyway. Have to do this routine morningside up.


After brunch at home, a publisher from Canada (via very broken English), tried to sell me on Expresso publishers. I'm sad about what happened to my book. She accuses all other publishers of stealing proceeds. Disheartening? Yes. But they have some good reviews. I listened to the schpeel and said no anyway. First, if I want to go that route, I'll call the numbers posted on their website. After a long interview, I asked what her publisher's name was and then she told me. Hard to get on your feet in Canada or anywhere else these days without schooling. Glad she's learning English. I'm a bit ruffled, but I'm okay. If the book is so valuable, why must I put $1700 out to start it? Bad business.

Finally done with Thanksgiving keto carrot cake. Bleah. Just got worse with age, without all those preservatives :) Used up some keto ice cream topped with caramel syrup. Still...

Back to my goal weight today. Better tomorrow. Diverticulitis attack after that phone call. 

New mailbox key fetched, cards mailed, new ones for the wall :), it's fun to send and receive cards.

New laptop fan came. Doesn't fit. A new one ordered. It's better having been cleaned of hairballs, but it still groans now and then.

Steven's napping before the great dance of tonight. He'll nosh through most of it because the waiter get offended. All about the tips. But we get to support local musicians.

Have not exercised this week. Cement floors to tread instead and sore feet.

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