
I hope to use this blog as a daily record of Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit's daily interventions in my life. They are quite daily! I don't want to travel backward, but present; not future, just today. May my every entry be clear.

Saturday, December 23, 2023


 Andy's birthday. He would have been 64 today. Gone at 28, to Heaven, where he gets to spend time with Jesus. His picture was at the foot of his bed post :)

Made keto waffles and eggs to celebrate him today. Had neighbors' gifts of sweets with breakfast. My mocha is better than La Provence now :)

Read a satiric blurb on little sis' FB. It made fun of Hillsong Australia. Not funny. The French have a word for people who run on and on in cliches about a reality they really have no clue about. I forgot what it is. Glad to have experienced Hillsong for myself. And Joel Olsteen, just on TV, is pretty great. Simple, to the point, how to behave. Christians need social call lessons. Sigh.

Ola's texting from this morning on. Told her about celebrating Andy. She's trying to keep in contact better, after a run of exhausting dysfunctional family gatherings. Also, after telling her a bit of my history, before the victory I had that has lasted so long. Wish my family tried anything that I have done. Their stuff fails every time. They trust the wrong mentors. Sigh.

Right and wrong. If it worked, if you now are changed in a good, staying way, it's right. If it harmed you or depressed you, it was wrong. Not that hard to decipher, people.

Missing my Bethel Church, but they're reaching out to the online community right now. I'm good. Everyone else reaching out for money gifts as well. Tis the season.

Will be relieved when next year begins well and we are all settled, for the most part, in our new adventure.

Later... Daughter booked us at 3pm to Netflix Spiderman, the cartoon, for tomorrow. Tomorrow? Christmas Eve, sounds good.

Watched the Travel Beans on Youtube and even got another link to another travel couple today. 

Also watched finance stuff, just to make sure we're tracking well, and we are. Love facts and results of surveys. So interesting :)

Steven's outside, trimming a bush that's rubbing up against the stucco. Before we moved in, there was damage to the bathroom wall, probably from overgrowth of trees. Something to do before the sun sets :) Also, it isn't raining right now.

Did the open house here on the 21st. Comments? Lots of funny cliques here, but what do you expect from all the social clubs? I love it. One finance guy said no to HOA's. I think because he's private. Our HOA is actually really good. Don't need to hover over the monthly planning. Always pleasantly surprised by upgrades and appreciate the cost of them. He said people want new communities so we'll lose money. Not so. All depends on the city. And the house. We got a little house on purpose and are already trained to not want big things, big projects, so no waste of money.

Noticed that all these financial guys for folks retiring have a 5 year plan. Basically, anyone can retire in five years from whatever age they want, if they are focused on saving for it. I didn't know that. We didn't have money to save until Steven finally got his 5 year late raise from finishing school. He didn't get the bonus he was promised from that finish in 2004. He doesn't want to fight about it, which is why we are always in a predicament. He plans, they don't follow through, we bite it, repeat. Middle child who was take for granted syndrome. Good thing he's married to the same :)

Loving the change of weather. Cold but not snowy. Just a bit icy. Steven is so happy about the weather changes here. We are completely surprised :) Such a great location. 

Looking forward to church tomorrow morning. And waking up for it on time, because I just started setting tomorrow's alarm when I get up. Sigh. Can't remember late at night to do that.

The stuff for Ola's landlord came this afternoon, and is on her porch. She's already at her mom's house, so she's not there to  bring it in. She knew, too. Sigh. One video I saw today was on people not to help out. Ola can fall into that easily. But she's a baby in the family, so this will happen. She's not a drifter, rather just waiting for her stuff to finally be done with in January. Hope she moves forward the way life moves forward, with or without her. She's used to just waiting. 

I'm relieved, in a way, that my brother isn't waiting for his life to finally begin at 56 anymore. He planned and planned, then believed a lie, that his job was to fetch and not invest along with the rest of the partners. Right or wrong, they needed to build trust with him, and asked him to put a bit into the biz, and he protested. He rather went on his own with one partner and it flopped because that partner refused to come up with the extra money that was unexpected, that he should have given him. It was emergency money, but the guy had started drinking heavily again and just didn't. Because of this partner, my brother was still living under his roof, which was dirty, and he died of an infection. Even so, if he had been at work, he wouldn't have stepped on that nail. We really must all work to eat. We just don't have extra time to spend waiting for others to follow through because we protest and say no.

I know his widow is having these thoughts as well. She has her own stuff and is still waiting on it, because a judge decided that the settlement was off. He reset her court hearing, then canceled it, then set it for January. All because a big company broke her shoulder, making her lift more than the doctor note said she could lift and now needs surgery.

There are some weird goings on in this country, but it's still the best one there is. I don't stick my head in the sand and it's hard to see others do that. But that's life. People must touch the wet paint.

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