
I hope to use this blog as a daily record of Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit's daily interventions in my life. They are quite daily! I don't want to travel backward, but present; not future, just today. May my every entry be clear.

Friday, December 1, 2023


 Time to blog...

I slept through the night :) My routine is good, so long as I do it right. TV was off at 10pm, but I took all the right meds last night:

1/2 Kirkland sleep aid

1 Dr. Berg sleep aid

Heart meds

1 Tudca

1 aspirin

If there is any deviation from this list of meds, I don't sleep.

Mistakes in my history of this routine?

Elderberry at any time either knocks me out when it kicks in the next morning (!) then I'm drowsy all day. Recommended to me by Jana as a sleep aid. Not for me.

If I run out of Dr. Berg sleep aid, I'll be awake in 3 days. So keep it in stock.

The tudca keeps my liver and body in good regulation. I also take one in the morning.

What about the project at hand?

Latest paperwork filled in and mailed off. Another request to go back to work happened yesterday. Ignore if already handled. Official numbers came a couple of days ago. I wonder if there will be a gap between now and when everything is adjusted.

Still in wonder that things actually work out when you do the paperwork right and when actually working the job so very long in your life. Still wondering what the eldest gets, but not enough to ask because everything turns into a mad contest with her. I wonder how long she will retain her marbles... 

That reminds me: Must pray for these folks, especially because they are so good at hiding their madness.

My mind presses on how next year will bring us such extra blessings to share and to help us to not need anything more.

Daughter needs training bucks. Massage school.

And son? How to help is still a mystery. The gypsy life that he loves, and is just in need of a permanent solution. Pray he doesn't get a lay off notice from the new owners.

I didn't have the means to help him 20 years ago when he asked for a bundle to start his own mechanic shop. It would have been a way to do his skills without so many licenses in specific skills. Fear of tests is a pain. Because inflation was so ridiculous where we all lived, I look back and can only sigh.

The rest, well, they have to run their journeys with Papa.

I read about a gal whose daughter strayed for a while. So heartbroken was she. Me too. There are no words.

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